Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sharpe park hike

We haven't been out hiking for way too long, yesterday we decided a walk in the forest sounded good. We ended up on Fidalgo Island and at one of our favorite destinations: Sharpe park.

The day was full of great sights, sounds and forest scents.
Fungi and a fun guy

Lots of running water going through the rocky channels.

Madrona trees always along the trail

Dewdrops were plentiful

I've missed the forest ferns

First ocean sighting through the trees

We stopped at the lower viewpoint for the end of our hike.

We enjoyed watching a porcupine nibbling on the grass at the viewpoint. It could care less if we were there. We kept our distance and zoomed in with the camera. It let us know if we were too close by turning it's backside to us.

It roamed around the rocks and trees.

The clouds gave an interesting reflection on the water.

Always something beautiful and unique on this trail❤