Thursday, April 3, 2014

Raptor Ridge from Arroyo Park Trailblazer hike

Sometimes a hike is more that "just" a hike with these Senior Trailblazers, today was one of those days. 

It's typically a time of chatting as we walk along the trail, pointing out birds, plants -

looking at rock formations etc. or just sharing with the group something that catches our attention. Sharing stories of our life and experiences we have had. Always a few facts are shared about what we are discussing or some tall tales are interjected just to see how gullible we are. 

One of the facts that has been shared many times by one of our hikers is the mysterious "Jumping Slug", I have never believed this person and so decided to do some research and sure enough it really is a "thing".
I was told today by this same person of the discovery of the Pacific Northwest tree Octopus, I was doubtful, but I'll let you do your own research and draw your own conclusion ;-)
As we stopped near a trail sign post, another shared with us some lines from a poem that she enjoyed by Mary Oliver, "Sleeping in the Forest" - "I thought the earth remembered me, she took me back so tenderly". I love these times of fun filled chatter intermixed with the sharing of deep heartfelt thoughts.

Today's hike to Raptor Ridge was scheduled to be a 10 miler, but the day had other plans for the 11 of us.
One of our members began having difficulty and sat down to have a bit of a rest, so we decided that we would all just take that time as our lunch break. We discussed the many options before us about what to do with our days' hike. After the person had time to rest, eat and had recovered it was decided collectively that we would return as a group with a more direct route back to our cars at Arroyo park. 
I was touched today by our groups spirit of unity, to make sure that we all (together) made it back safe and sound.
As I left the Senior Center today I thought about how proud I was of this group of people that I hike with. The goals of the day: the destination, the miles etc. were all left behind as we walked along in support of one of our own.

Spring at the Senior Center
endomondo stats:
6.48 miles total hiked
91 Min. altitude
1262 Max. altitude
1940 Total ascent
1953 Total descent

Monday, March 31, 2014

Semiahmoo Stroll

A morning off and the weather is just perfect for a stroll along the Semiahmoo Spit trail
it's part of the Coast Millenium trail.
Thought I'd share it in just pictures - enjoy!

Immature Bald Eagle in the tree

3 white headed old souls (2 Bald Eagles in the tree behind my husband)

and to help us savor our day a cup of tea from the Marina cafe.