This past weeks Sunday "together" training run with my husband didn't happen since we weren't together for the weekend. So I ran 10 miles by myself on Monday. I started at the Rotary Trail head. Our next Spartan race is the Portland Sprint August 6th (really in Washougal Washington).
From the trail head I followed the interurban trail to Old Samish hwy then turned & ran on the road to the North Chuckanut Mtn. trail head parking lot.
There is now a Sani Can (outhouse) at the North Chuckanut mtn. trail head parking lot. I then resumed my route on the interurban trail. I ran 5 miles before turning around shortly after entering the Larrabee state park boundary trail marker.
I didn't walk/run this today, I decided to try and run the whole way. I succeeded and didn't walk at all.
Yay me!
Not the hilly trails we've been working on together but I was more interested in just getting the distance in.
Endomondo stats:
total miles ran - 10 miles
minimum altitude - 61 feet
maximum altitude - 232 feet
total ascent - 476 feet
total descent - 486 feet