Monday, August 15, 2016

Hannegan Peak

Yesterday was a "Bucket list" day for me.
I have been up to Hannegan Pass many times but have never turned the corner to head up to the PEAK, but it's BEAST training time now for both me and my husband. We need up and hard for the next couple of months. 
I wasn't prepared for the glorious views that I saw with every step forward. For those that always stop at the pass I would highly recommend trying for the Peak, even if you don't make it all the way you will be rewarded by better views than the Pass destination. If it seems daunting, plan for an all day effort. Just take your time, take more rest breaks and savor every stop and before you know it you'll be at the top.
As we hiked up the trail to the Pass we noticed just a touch of fall in the trees.

The photo below shows the view from the Pass.

We then turned left and headed on up to the Peak.
The wildflowers were still in bloom.

Ruth Mountain

The photo below is a panorama taken from a few steps farther than I was standing in the above photo.

Now you can see why I say just keep walking a little further. Even if you don't get to the top the views really open up and it makes a better lunch stop, 
plus the breeze was blowing better in the open - less bugs!
We stopped and had a snack before the last up to the top. 
Our destination - Hannegan Peak.

It looked farther away than it was, it really didn't take us all that long to hike from our snack location to the top. Just as we were nearing the top I turned around and took this photo to show where Hannegan Pass is, if you click to enlarge the photo you'll see it in the low (saddle) area between the ridges just below us on the left. We ate our snack on that same ridge right below us at the little green area surrounded by a triangle looking area of the trail to the left of the dirt patch way below. I know lots of words to try to show you our snack stop location ;-)

We spent about an hour on top, eating our lunch and just really enjoying the epic views all around us.

I'm so glad I started a bucket list and Spartan race training, so that I would be fit enough to do more of the things I love. 
Not even sore today - Such rewards!!

Endomondo stats:
total miles hiked - 11.58
minimum altitude - 3077 feet
maximum altitude - 6,188 feet
total ascent - 3,153 feet
total descent - 3, 153 feet
