Friday, August 26, 2016

Watson lakes backpack trip

Tuesday morning we drove to Watson Lakes to begin a 3 day - 2 night backpacking trip. It's about a 10 1/2 miles drive from the Baker lake dam. The gravel road climbs all the way to the trail head with magnificent views of Mt. Baker along the way.
We arrived and as we began to take our packs out of the Van I noticed our front right tire was flat. :-(
So a quick tire change before we could head out on the trail.

I had weighed my pack before we left and it was 40 lbs. (I don't know how much my husband's weighed, but it was much heavier than mine.) A good amount for our first "mountain" trail backpacking trip in many years.

I've been to Watson lake only once before with the Trailblazer group that I hike with. You can read about that days hike HERE.
I "love" boardwalk trails and this trail doesn't disappoint. There are several sections with them.

The first of the two lakes in the photo below. It's about a two mile hike into the first lake and another 1/2 mile to the second one. We planned on camping at the second one. 

The second lake in the photo below. When I had hiked there with the Senior Trailblazers last year I had spied a campsite that I really thought we would enjoy if we ever went camping there. I was anxious to see if it was available.

I was so pleased that it was available. We set up our tent and made our camp cozy.

Then it was time for a swim!

The first night we enjoyed a small sunset in "our" lake.

The heart rock in the photo below was in the ground at our campsite. An omen, perhaps. This is our 45th wedding anniversary week. We had a plan to backpack and hike for the week. Just doing things we enjoy together. If you look at the way the dirt was deposited in the heart stone you can see that there is a tent in the indention. <3

My perch for reading, drawing and doing Sudoku in our downtime.

The second day we did a day hike to Anderson Lake. We passed the trail junction on our way to Watson lakes. It was a short hike from the junction marker. It only took us about 15 minutes to get down to the Lake and meadow.

Anderson Lake

A great view of Mt. Baker from the meadow.

We walked around the meadow area a bit exploring before stopping at the lake for lunch.

 When we got back to our campsite for dinner, I noticed that the ridge to the right of us had a face in it, do you see it?

Spartan training never ends, yes I got my 100 push ups in while we were there.

I never tired of our view from our tent door.

Thursday morning, time to go. 
It was a wonderful time for us at this alpine lake in the Pacific Northwest.

On our way out, a view of  both lakes and me ;-)

Walking through the forest, savoring every moment.

Did I mention the stars at night.....? 
Simply Amazing!

Endomondo stats: 
Tuesday, into the second Watson lake
total miles - 2.7 miles
total ascent - 814 feet
total descent - 705 feet

Wednesday, Anderson lake day hike
total miles - 4.42 miles
minimum altitude - 4281 miles
maximum altitude - 4691 feet

Thursday, to the car from Watson lake
total miles - 2.8 miles
 total ascent - 692 feet
total descent - 784 feet

total trip distance: 9.92 miles
total ascent: 2530 feet
total descent: 2939 feet

*Yes, we went to Les Schwabs in Sedro Woolley and bought new tires all the way around and a new full size spare.

Monday, August 22, 2016

North Shore Lake Whatcom trail run

We had a 3 day heat wave, with temps in the 90's which is "hot" for here. So when I woke for Sunday's run I was happy to see lower temps and clouds, a break in the heat for our plants. Thankfully I'm not too uncomfortable when it gets hot, but our plants get droopy fast if we don't water them quick enough.
We chose to do the North Lake Whatcom trail. We will be doing quite a bit of back packing in the coming week so we didn't feel the need to get a challenging workout in.
 It was breezy and the lake was pretty choppy, the wind was blowing off the water so we didn't have to worry about branches falling on our heads.

Endomondo stats:
total miles - 6.2