Monday, December 5, 2016

Mon Oeuvre ~ En Provence Mystery Quilt progress 1

I'll be starting a new specific emphasis series of posts called "Oeuvre" (the works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively: "the complete oeuvre of Mozart" a work of art, music, or literature: "an early oeuvre" ORIGIN late 19th cent.: French, literally ‘work.’ - Oxford Dictionary.) 
This particular collection of work will be my progress of a mystery quilt.

I joined a Mystery Quilt group and am beginning my first Mystery quilt. This particular Mystery Quilt is put on by Bonnie Hunter (Quiltville) & is titled "en Provence". Each Friday we will receive a new clue for how to proceed with the next part of the quilt. 
In the intro. we were given our color chip info. to pick our fabrics from & the yardage amounts needed. We won't know how the quilt will look until we have the last clue.
Here are the color chips.

These are the fabrics I chose.

Each Monday there is a link up party for everyone to show photos of their progress.
Here's my week's progress on the first clue "Part one".

My first learning lesson from the part one clue. READ the instructions very thoroughly. If I had read her clue thoroughly I wouldn't be going back to the fabric store to buy more of my neutrals ;-)

Welcome to the first of my "Oeuvre" posts.

*Past quilted items can be seen in these posts:
Gifts from the Heart & Sampler Quilt