Monday, May 21, 2018

Mon Oeuvre ~ Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt progress: Block #4 Ann

As I stated when I began this project, I had never foundation paper pieced EVER!
I'm teaching myself and learning as I go. Today was very frustrating, I finished Ann, or so I thought. After I got it all together I noticed that I had pieced the side joining points wrong, so they came out very strange. I continued putting it together because I wanted it to be a learning experience. 
Here's my first block, mistakes and all 😢.

Even to my unpracticed eye, it is full of glaring mistakes.
 So I cut up more fabric, printed off more paper templates and began again. I'm really liking the phone book pages for my paper piecing, they tear out very easily.
Here's my second attempt, I'm much happier with it. I can see that I'm making progress. 

Yes, I yelled that statement. 
I'm looking forward to how my blocks look when I get to the 99th block in this project.
What's that saying? 
"Practice makes perfect"
This block took lots of practice.