Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A rare sighting - Sandhill Crane

I had heard rumor that a Sandhill Crane was in our area this week. We searched for it where it had been reported but all we found were Swans and Snow Geese.
Today we did a walk/run on the Hertz - North Lake Whatcom trail and as we were driving home we found the Sandhill Crane! As rumored it wasn't far from where we live. It seems to have adopted a flock of Swans❤. We dashed home and I got my camera out so we could get a “few” photos. I'm still learning what settings to use, but I was pleased with these:
(Click/Tap on the photos to enlarge and see them in a better resolution)

It seems so strange to have so many Swans and Snow Geese in our own Whatcom county, it wasn't so long ago that we had to drive to Skagit county to get a view of these wonderful birds. Their populations have definitely increased and happily for us they are nearby and even fly right over our house. 
The Swans, Snow Geese and now this rare sighting - "Sandhill crane" help make this dark season a little brighter for me.
Today's blue sky after yesterday's deluge wasn't too bad either😁