Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mon Oeuvre - Frolic Mystery Quilt progress 17

The last progress report I did for the "Frolic" Mystery Quilt was March 19th, seems like forever ago.
Since then, our local quilt stores were not available for "in store" shopping. This Covid-19 physical distancing has put the brakes on my quilt. I couldn't find anything on line that I liked. I prefer to touch and see the colors in person, but the time finally came that I was able to actually look at fabric and then I ordered some batting. 
I haven't purchased a one piece (wide) backing before, it's interesting to not sew the two pieces together for the back. It's a large piece of fabric to iron. Whew!
Anyway here's what I found for the back.
I think it will be a nice calm back for the "extra" busyness of the front.

Here it is next to the front for a peek of all of the colors together.

Finally a "quilt sandwich"