Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pine and Cedar lakes hike

 Today I hiked with my dog Scoutina to Pine and Cedar lakes. I decided to use the hands free leash. The leash attaches to a waist belt, this way I can use my trekking poles for the hike.

The parking lot was nearly full when I got there, but as I went up the trail it seemed they were all returning to their cars. I had a fairly quiet day on the trail, fine with me!
Scoutina did a fine job of pulling me up the trail. The leash that attaches to the waist belt is a bungee leash, so when she feels the recoil she "generally" slows down or at least looks back to see why the tug,

The trail was super lush and green. 
We've had our fair share of rain lately and the plants were bushy and thick. 

I'm always glad when I get to this sign post, it's at about the 1 mile mark so just over 1/2 mile till the uphill isn't' so steep.

I saw a few heart rocks on the trail

The echo sign kiosk is at about 1.7 miles. The "echo" sign is to help if there is need of a rescue. Each sign that is labeled for rescue assistance has a different name assigned to it.

I passed a lot of sign posts today.

On the way to Pine lake, we started seeing Squirrels. Yikes, Scoutina gets overly excited about Squirrels. Since I was attached to her my plan was to just sit down if she decided the chase was on. After a few firm "no's" and a few jerks on her collar she decided to walk along again, finally we got out of Squirrel country
I wondered how Scoutina would do on the boardwalk at Pine lake. She did walk on the boardwalk but spent most of her time off the boardwalk, I was just thankful that she didn't pull me off. Usually she runs through water, this time she quietly walked along near it. Whew!
I've taught her some trail safety (for me) words. She walks very slowly and stays in contact with my left leg when I say "slow". She walks like she's tiptoeing, it's so cute. She can heel and go slow with reminders. This is very helpful for me when I'm attached by the waist, especially on steeper downhills that might be have roots, rocks or that may be slick. I also say "no pull" when she is at the end of the leash and I don't want to be pulled. All helpful skills, and as I said all with reminders but she's getting the hang of it.
We stopped at the bench at Pine lake for 1/2 of my lunch.

I had decided that if the downhill to Pine lake went well with Scoutina I would attempt the downhill to Cedar lake. I ate the second half of my lunch at Cedar lake. I decided not to hike around the lake this today. Today was really an experiment to see how Scoutina did with just me and the waist leash. *My husband usually is in charge of Scoutina on our hikes.

I didn't go back by way of the overlook because I know that trail can be steep and has a few trees that need to be climbed over. That wasn't on my agenda today. So back up the way we came to join the main trail again. At the 1.7 miles to go, I switched out leashes and used the extension locking leach for the long steep downhill. I have more control with this style of leash and I can extend it when the trail is flat or if there's any water she wants to wade it. I'm glad I brought it, it worked out perfectly. We did our "slow", "heel" all the way down the hill. She was very patient with me. A good outing for both of us.
We made it back to the parking lot💓

We saw no one at either lake. I was surprised about this on such a nice day, but as I said earlier in my post that was fine with me.
Total miles hiked: 5.75 miles
Total ascent: 1473 feet 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tommy Thompson trail: Flowers & Wildlife

Saturday we started from our parked location on 4th street in Anacortes & walked down Q avenue to join the Tommy Thompson trail for a nice 8 mile out and back walk. Just one light rain shower overhead.
A lovely way to start the month of June & the first day of the meteorological Summer.