Friday, May 4, 2012

Springtime bliss - joy of life

Joy of Spring
by David Whalen

A Spring morning
A warm Breeze
doves cooing softly
Pollen dusted trees

A few brave violets
A red streaked dawn
A very early robin
Earthworms in the lawn

Spring peeper frogs
Smell of dogwood blossoms
Nature's petroglyphs in muddy bogs
Footprints left by possums

Easter eggs and bonnets
Chocolate rabbits, Missing ears
Jelly beans and sonnets
Spilled easter baskets, children's tears

leafy bowers
Spring showers

Spring mornings
Warm breezes
Deep breaths
Allergic sneezes

Smell of Fresh blossoms
Sound of birds as they sing

Joy of of being......Joy of Spring

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Certificate of the right to play

Going through my papers today and found this,
insert your name and
" Go Play"!!
Click to enlarge