Saturday, September 23, 2017

Excelsior ridge hike

What a great day in the high country. 

Indian Paintbrush

Part of the quicker elevation gain. 

Almost to the trail junction.

Some Ptarmigan along the trail.

Our lunch view. 

The photo below shows our hike destination. We took the trail around the right side of the hill to make our way to the top. So we basically walked around the back side to get to the top.

Our destination, in the photo below. The higher hump.

I took the photos below showing our view at each angle as I turned while we were at the top.

Shuksan in the distance.

Mt. Baker hiding in the low clouds.

We came down the front of the hill trail, so that gave us a loop around the top. Poor hubby, 2 yellow jacket stings. I think they targeted him because he fit into the scenery so well, just like an alpine flower - hee hee.

Garmin stats:
total miles - 10
total ascent - 3852 feet

Picture of the week ~ 2017 Trifecta

Environments come and go. To flourish in life we must be centered and focused, not dependent on the right conditions or words from someone else. We can get support and encouragement from others all of our lives, yet we may not see it or feel it. That doesn't mean it wasn't there all along. It's ultimately up to me to find my own motivation. I've learned that my passions and goals come from me and my own efforts and not from the perfect environment or others' approval. A life lesson that has taken me a lifetime to learn. I am grateful however, for those that have stood by and encouraged me even when I was deaf/blind to their words and efforts. We are not on this journey we call "life" alone, but the path we follow is our own.