Monday, March 18, 2019

Mon Oeuvre ~ Good Fortune Mystery Quilt progress 11

This week my progress on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville "Good Fortune" Mystery Quilt was all about constructing the Spinning Star blocks. I sewed the blue and white units to the green and white units and pressed them.

Then I sewed pair units to pair units.

I pressed them to the correct direction and then pinned the top rows to the bottom rows.

Then some chain sewing.

My "Masterpiece", all of the Spinning Star blocks are done!
I added the short sample row of how the blocks will be put together in an alternating pattern, to the bottom. It looks like a flower to me. 
Fitting for this first week of Spring don't you think?

Then some time with the String Chain blocks. Can you see why it's called a String chain block?
*Hint: it has something to do with the white squares.