Thursday, July 4, 2019

Boise Sprint Spartan race 2019 results

We loaded up our Van last week for a trip to Idaho for the Boise Sprint Spartan race and some short touristing of the area.
We planned to do some car camping and some motel staying on this trip. It's interesting doing a dry desert event, we are used to our trees and wet courses here on the rainy side of Washington state. You can read about our first experience at the Boise Sprint HERE.
It's always fun to drive to the course the day before and check it out. As we drove by the field up the road I saw a Badger, so cute! No pictures through, too bad.

The first obstacle on race day is to get there, as usual a long line of cars.

Very tall thistles, luckily we didn't see any on the course.

Ready to "Spartan up", if you click on the photo below you'll see the long line of people who started in a wave before us making their way up the hill.

The course and it's obstacles.

I was thrilled with myself for this event, I got through the Z wall traverse with the least amount of  spotting yet, see photo of the obstacle below ( I searched online for public photos of the obstacles that I'd not completed by myself before so that you could see what they looked like)-

I got the Spear throw to stick into the target for the first time!
See photo of the Spear throw obstacle below-

I also got over the Inverted wall by myself! See photo of the obstacle below-

Then I got through the Helix which is a new obstacle at the events this year, by myself!
See photo of the obstacle below-

After 18 Spartan races and many years of training, I'm finally seeing results. Although I'm sure it was mainly because of the dry conditions.
Anyway, Boise Sprint 2019 is complete, my 19th Spartan event.

Garmin stats:
total miles: 3.66 miles
total ascent -787 feet

We did some sight seeing around the Lake Coeur d'Alene area for a few days after our event.

We got home just on time for the fourth of July celebrations. These are the kind of fireworks I enjoy, "natures fireworks"!

Happy 4th of July 2019.