Friday, July 26, 2019

Backpacking trip: day two, Cathedral camp to Elbow lake

Day two was a day of hearts! I love to find hearts in nature and today was a great one.
Our hike from Cathedral camp led us first down to Morovitz meadow.
Photo courtesy of USFS
We had a great view of the Sisters range and the shelter as we made our way down the switchbacks.

Mazama camp

Here we go, new territory for us. We've gone to Elbow lake from the Pioneer camp direction but never from this route. Now it seems that the road to Pioneer camp has a slide and is closed to cars, so the only routes to the lake are from the Middle fork of the Nooksack river (which you have to ford because there isn't a bridge to cross there) and over Bell Pass.

Heart rock❤

We found out that this trail isn't used or maintained much. There were several trees we had to climb over and around as well as lots of thick vegetation and narrow sections to get through,

but a beautiful trail❤

One of the many trees on the trail.

Finally to the Elbow lake junction.

A heart on a tree❤

We took the turn to Elbow camp, not a good plan. It was a up and down mountain goat trail at best along the shore of the lake. It led to a very brushy area that presumably was the camp, but it looked like a great area to see the kind of animal we don't want to see near our camp not to mention all of the mosquitoes that were there.

Needless to say we turned around and camped at a nice spot just across the bridge along Lake Doreen. The two lakes are side by side. In the photo below you can see the elbow of Elbow lake.

A heart rock just near our camp spot.

Lake Doreen

 Camp for the night. Time to set out our sweaty clothes on the bushes so they can hopefully dry. The clouds had come in so we prepared for rain. There were some mosquitoes so we also put on our head bug nets.

My husband went to try to catch some fish for dinner. He had a lot of bites, and caught two pan sized trout for us.

So Yummy!

We saw 0 people on the trail and at camp. We saw a couple of Grouse along the trail and a chipmunk at camp.

Garmin stats:
total miles - 7.82
total ascent - 751 feet
total descent - 2188 feet

Day three - our hike to Railroad camp, to be continued...

Backpacking trip: day one, Cathedral camp, Park Butte lookout

My husband put together a nice 4 day backpacking trip for us, this time in our own area.
Map courtesy of USFS
On Monday we drove to Schrieber Meadow
 First we checked out the camping areas on the board and any regulations about them.

Our route would be to go up towards the Lookout, but stop just before it and stay the night at Cathedral camp.

First Mt. Baker sighting❤

Many flowers were still in bloom.

Creek crossing "with a bridge".

The Lookout & Railroad grade trails junction.

Wonderful views of the mountain ranges in the distance.

The sign post for our camp. The trail behind me leads to the Mazama horse camp, Bell pass, Elbow lake and the Ridley creek trails.

Our chosen camp spot. 
We like rocks in camp, they provide a place to cook on and to sit on. 
This was a great site!

The views from our camp area.
Looking towards the Twin Sisters.

Towards the Black Buttes.

The Lookout.

A view of Baker and the trail we'd just come up, with the Railroad grade.

Home for the night❤

After we got our camp set up, we hiked up to the Lookout.
Our destination, way up there.

Great views of Baker and the Black Buttes as we climbed.

Looking out at the ranges around us, and a few tarns.

A closer look at the Lookout as we keep climbing.

A look down at where we'll be hiking through the next day, the Mazama horse camp. If you zoom in on the photo below you'll see the shelter at the horse camp.

Our last "up" to the lookout.

Twin sisters view from the lookout.

A view from inside the lookout.

Black Butte view from the lookout.

A view of the trail back down towards our camp.

A look at the Railroad grade (the long gravel covered spine in the distance), where we hoped to camp on our 3rd night.

A nice sunset over the Twin Sisters.

We saw over 50 people on the trail, 2 mules, 1 horse and 8 dogs.

Garmin stats:
To Cathedral camp:
total miles - 3.44 miles
total ascent - 1496 feet
total descent - 26 feet

Day hike to Park Butte lookout:
total miles - 1.96 miles
total ascent - 636 feet
total descent - 636 feet

 Day two - our hike to Elbow lake, to be continued...