Sunday, June 9, 2024

Artist Point walk

Yesterday it was time to do our annual walk up the highway from the Mt. Baker ski area towards Artist Point. We started at the large parking lot near the gate. We like to check out the snow depths before they open the access to the cars. I'm thinking the gate to at least the Heather Meadow visitor center will be open in the next couple of weeks. The visitor center/museum is currently buried in snow so it might be longer before that is open. 
We of course brought along Scoutina, she was sooooooo happy to be there, lots of rolling in the snow, lots of pets and compliments from the other walkers. One young girl even took some photos of Scoutina with her tablet. Several  people stopped to ask if they could pet her. Another young girl commented about how soft her fur was. She definitely brightens peoples day, she brings a smile to most peoples faces when they see her.

We stopped to watch the late spring skiers ski into the melting pond near the Wild Goose trailhead.

There was plenty of melting snow water along the road for Scoutina to cool off in when the banks were too high for rolling in.

Such beautiful views for our walk.

The snow line is about the 4000 feet level according to the conditions report at the Glacier ranger station. You can see the distinct snow line in the photo below.

The Lake Ann trailhead still has a lot of snow, but the trailhead parking lot itself is plowed.

Looking towards Lake Ann way in the distance.


Heading back down the road with a view of Table mountain.

We stopped at the Glacier ranger station on our way up the highway and I found a new book to buy. I'm always looking for good identification books, I thought this one looked good. The ranger at the desk gave me a checklist pamphlet to go with the book. Bonus!!

We walked two miles up the road before turning around, so a total of 4 miles yesterday. Can't beat the views we had!

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