Monday, June 13, 2011

Argh, tweaked my calf

I was sick the week before the last hike I went on a week ago Thursday, thought I was well enough a couple days before the hike to be able to go. I felt unusually tired during the hike that day. I didn't get sick again but the next day I did a light running workout and felt a slight twinge in my left calf. I immediately started walking and walk/jogged the rest of my workout. In the days following everytime I tried to run I felt the same twinge. So now I guess it's time to really focus on re-habing, ice and heat will be my friend. Over the weekend I just walk/jogged and when I jogged it was VERY slow. No twinges, but extremely tight. So now it's no hiking for me till I'm completely sure my leg is healed. Bummer, I was really enjoying the hikes and getting to know the "Trailblazers".  Running is my exercise of choice. I really enjoy running the 1/2 marathon distance, so hiking will have to take second place for awhile. When I do feel my leg is ready to hike with my running workouts I guess I'll have to re-evaluate how hard to workout on the days before and after the hike. What is that saying? - Patience is a virtue. It's been  11 days - at this point I'm not very virtuous.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Will our malamute really stay in the boat?!?

All suited up and ready for her first trip in the raft. 
We decided to take our dog with us fishing at Lake Padden. She's 8 1/2 and never been in a boat. We had the booties and the vest and thought why not, so we took her with us today.

Wondering if she'll stay in......

- such a happy dog! Yes she really stayed in and laid down most of the day.

What a great day to be on the lake!

She thinks we should do that again!

I caught the only fish of the day - yay for me!!!