Thursday, January 23, 2014

Alger Alp 2014 Trailblazer hike

Today's hike, like last week's Hovander Farm hike began with a little fog.

19 of us met at  Squires lake to begin our hike, some met at the Senior center & carpooled to our destination and some drove to the trailhead on their own.

but unlike last week's hike it was burning off rapidly.

I managed to get a picture of our fearless leader Pat as he paused to take a photo 
of Mt. Baker to the left of Anderson mtn. 

Our lunch view, including the scenic I-5 corridor ;-)

Gus, Owen, Frank, Penny and  Jean at their lunchtime perch! 
Boy did the sun ever feel good.

I took the two pictures below to show the lake at the beginning of the hike compared to the end of the hike, Just a bit of early morning fog and a hazy reflection, and then a few hours later with a crystal clear reflection. Rather pretty don't you think.

When I left my home this morning it was 27 degrees, and by the time we returned to the cars it had warmed up to a balmy 50 degrees!!

Endomondo stats:
5.52 total miles hiked
223 Min. altitude
1286 Max. altitude
1616 Total ascent
1638 Total descent