Thursday, January 22, 2015

Lake Padden trails Trailblazer hike

I've been itching to be hiking for awhile now, 
I had a cold that more than outstayed it's welcome, and I was happy to be joining our hiking group today. The scheduled hike for today was to be hiking the trails in Lake Padden park.

It was listed as 6 miles & easy, a perfect welcome back for my body that hasn't been doing much of anything for a couple of months.
16 of us headed west on the Lake trail from the ball field side of the park. 

It was an overcast, mid 40's morning, comfortable for hiking.

Looking across the Lake to the bathhouse
As we approached the fork in the trail where you could go left or continue around the Lake, 2 of our group left us as they had planned on going a shorter distance. We continued on to the left to begin our way on the higher trails. There was a bit of mud along the way as you can see, 

as we made our way back near the ball fields & the parking lot, 2 more of our group left us. 
Our group had dwindled down to 12 for the rest of the hike. We headed east and did a loop that brought us back down under the power lines and then to the parking lot by the ball fields.
It was a pretty forest hike.

You never know what you'll see out in the woods :-)

Can you see the Christmas ornaments?

It was so nice to join the Trailblazers again. I've missed all of the "fun" of this group.

Endomondo stats:
Total miles hiked - 5.95
Minimum altitude - 353 feet
Maximum altitude - 928 feet
Total ascent - 1005 feet
Total descent - 938 feet