Thursday, April 23, 2015

Trailblazing Spartan

When our group of Senior Trailblazers hiked last week, our fearless leader "Pat" explained that this week's hike would need to be to a different destination as the access road to the Rock trail had a slide on it. The hike was to be Lost Lake from the Rock trail - 9 miles and moderate, but as soon as I received my email from our chief correspondent "Ginny" I knew I wasn't going to go on today's hike. Pat had switched the destination to Raptor ridge from Arroyo park, the distance would be 9 1/2 miles for the days total. I had hiked up it with my husband in March of this year on a modified route, you can read about it HERE & with the Group 1 Senior Trailblazers in May of 2011, you can also read about that trip HERE.
I am a bit sore this week from all of my Spartan workouts, especially since I did a practice course on Sunday (if you're interested in reading about that fun day, click HERE). and I also ran around the Stimpson Reserve  trail Tuesday with 10 BURPEES every 1/2 miles (100) & a home WOD after.
As the weather was predicted to be cloudy and some rain, I knew there would be no view from the top. 
So a shorter run and workout for me instead today.
I went to Lake Padden and ran 1 loop around it, a total of 2.69 miles. I took this picture of the lake on a different day, but it gives you an idea of where I ran.

I did 10 BURPEES at the start and at every 1/2 mile, then at the finish for 70 total burpees on the run. It was raining lightly when I started, but it wasn't bad at all.
Then when I came home I did the rest of my workout.

20 more burpees, so the days total was 90
Walked with a heavy medicine ball on my left shoulder the perimeter of our back yard & then repeated that on my right shoulder
1 minute balance walk
25 heavy medicine ball throws (squat lift it from ground, lift to shoulder height & push from chest throw)
30 seconds straight arm hang from rings
50 (small jump start) pull ups on rings - 25 with palm grip facing away & 25 with palm grip facing towards me

There you go, that's what I did today instead of a hike. 

Two weeks and 2 days till the Montana Spartan Sprint race day.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Spartan Sprint Practice day

Time to do a simulated Spartan Sprint race. 
Since it's less than 3 weeks away I thought I should do a practice run of the Montana Spartan Sprint event, so I can get a general feel for what I'll be going through.
Sunday "fun day" became "Spartan Sprint" day.
Our daughter and son in law are Spartan competitors and they have built Spartan Obstacles in their yard to help with their training. Yay!
Our son in law "Brion" did a great job of getting their place ready for the day. He made up sheets with all of the obstacles we would be doing, so we could check them off and keep track of the number of penalty burpees we did. Since this was just a practice run, I only did 5 burpees per missed obstacle, instead of the required 30. The Sprint distance can be anywhere from 3 to 5 miles and 15 to 20 obstacles. They also added fun touches to the day to make it feel more like the real thing.
They had Spartan tape along our starting trail, the emblem on the hay bales and a past race headband for me to wear!

Some of the obstacles we did would simulate an obstacle but some of them were pretty much what we would have to do. Overall I felt pretty good about what I was able to do. If I were to lose 30 lbs. and get more upper body strength that would be really helpful, but I have to go with how I am now. At least I know I'm heading in the right direction. 
Here's some photos of the day -

Rock wall
Cargo net
Cargo net
Running and more running
Lateral rope
Slack line with support rope
Tire flip
Tire flip
Tire flip
Spear throw
Under & through 8' wall
Over 8" wall
Sand bag carry/bucket carry
The ever present BURPEE practice


Chest has to touch the ground & the push up

Jump off the ground & clap over head to finish burpee
Before & After group photos.

Our course was 4.2 miles and 15 obstacles.
 I declined the rope climb, I'm going to skip it in the race & just go right to the penalty BURPEE zone. 
I fell off of the balance areas & rock/traverse wall & missed the spear throw.
Not too bad for my first simulated event.