Thursday, April 23, 2015

Trailblazing Spartan

When our group of Senior Trailblazers hiked last week, our fearless leader "Pat" explained that this week's hike would need to be to a different destination as the access road to the Rock trail had a slide on it. The hike was to be Lost Lake from the Rock trail - 9 miles and moderate, but as soon as I received my email from our chief correspondent "Ginny" I knew I wasn't going to go on today's hike. Pat had switched the destination to Raptor ridge from Arroyo park, the distance would be 9 1/2 miles for the days total. I had hiked up it with my husband in March of this year on a modified route, you can read about it HERE & with the Group 1 Senior Trailblazers in May of 2011, you can also read about that trip HERE.
I am a bit sore this week from all of my Spartan workouts, especially since I did a practice course on Sunday (if you're interested in reading about that fun day, click HERE). and I also ran around the Stimpson Reserve  trail Tuesday with 10 BURPEES every 1/2 miles (100) & a home WOD after.
As the weather was predicted to be cloudy and some rain, I knew there would be no view from the top. 
So a shorter run and workout for me instead today.
I went to Lake Padden and ran 1 loop around it, a total of 2.69 miles. I took this picture of the lake on a different day, but it gives you an idea of where I ran.

I did 10 BURPEES at the start and at every 1/2 mile, then at the finish for 70 total burpees on the run. It was raining lightly when I started, but it wasn't bad at all.
Then when I came home I did the rest of my workout.

20 more burpees, so the days total was 90
Walked with a heavy medicine ball on my left shoulder the perimeter of our back yard & then repeated that on my right shoulder
1 minute balance walk
25 heavy medicine ball throws (squat lift it from ground, lift to shoulder height & push from chest throw)
30 seconds straight arm hang from rings
50 (small jump start) pull ups on rings - 25 with palm grip facing away & 25 with palm grip facing towards me

There you go, that's what I did today instead of a hike. 

Two weeks and 2 days till the Montana Spartan Sprint race day.