Monday, February 20, 2017

Mon Oeuvre ~ en provence Mystery Quilt progress 12

"Oeuvre" (the works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively: "the complete oeuvre of Mozart" a work of art, music, or literature: "an early oeuvre" ORIGIN late 19th cent.: French, literally ‘work.’ - Oxford Dictionary.)

Putting my quilt sandwich together: I used adhesive spray to keep the sandwich together, and flattened out the wrinkles as I went.
This is the back -

and the top.

All together: backing, batting and top.

I stitched around each of the blocks by sewing all of the verticle rows first and then turning the quilt and sewing all of the horizontal rows next. I'm trying to decide if I want to continue to machine stitch designs into the top or to hand sew now. Hmmm.......