Monday, April 9, 2018

Mon Oeuvre ~ Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt progress: Block #2 Aimee

Did you feel that earthquake!!!! 
That was me jumping up and down when I realized I understood how to do it.
I completed a block using FPP (foundation paper piecing). I finally found a youtube tutorial that I could understand. My first paper pieced block ever! It measures a bit on the small size, I may need to add a thin border later to make it fit in the quilt.
Introducing "Aimee":
completely paper pieced and sewn on my 1930's hand crank Singer Sewing machine.

There was an alternative way to piece it using a template, but I was determined to FPP it, so I dove in and learned how to paper piece. As the saying goes - "suck it up, buttercup" i.e. quit whining and get it done! I did and am very pleased with my first FPP block.

You can see block #1 and the introduction to my project here.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Picture of the week - Spartan Race Training

Why do I train?
We all have a reason as to why we train, this is my training story: 

"That's what our training is for, we practice not panicking, we practice breathing, we practice looking directly at the thing that scares us until we stop flinching, we practice overriding our Can't."
Kristin Armstrong