Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sharpe park hike

We haven't been out hiking for way too long, yesterday we decided a walk in the forest sounded good. We ended up on Fidalgo Island and at one of our favorite destinations: Sharpe park.

The day was full of great sights, sounds and forest scents.
Fungi and a fun guy

Lots of running water going through the rocky channels.

Madrona trees always along the trail

Dewdrops were plentiful

I've missed the forest ferns

First ocean sighting through the trees

We stopped at the lower viewpoint for the end of our hike.

We enjoyed watching a porcupine nibbling on the grass at the viewpoint. It could care less if we were there. We kept our distance and zoomed in with the camera. It let us know if we were too close by turning it's backside to us.

It roamed around the rocks and trees.

The clouds gave an interesting reflection on the water.

Always something beautiful and unique on this trail❤

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Mon Oeuvre - Grassy Creek Mystery Quilt complete!

 "Oeuvre" (the works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively: "the complete oeuvre of Mozart" a work of art, music, or literature: "an early oeuvre" ORIGIN late 19th cent.: French, literally ‘work.’ - Oxford Dictionary.)

Wow, I haven't posted about the progress of this quilt since January. I guess my focus was abruptly changed when I was diagnosed with Cancer that month. Looks like I was putting together my large blocks at that time. The following photos represent how often I felt like sewing in between diagnosis, surgeries and treatments.

I loved how this piece looked like a stain glass window looking out at our snowy February day. This photo was taken on the 14th, 3 days before my hysterectomy surgery.

It took me a few months to adjust and to heal up and to figure out how to get through my infusions. I got some good sewing in this month,

Sewing the large rows together.

Center done!

Borders sewn on and added to the center.
Flimsy/top done!

I purchased my backing and binding fabrics between my 5th and 6th chemo infusions. After sewing all together, now I wish I'd gone with a bit different shades of the gold and the green fabrics but it's done now and it's fine.

Back to my old self now or so I thought.
Putting the quilt sandwich together. I use adhesive spray and crawl around on all fours with a hard edged ruler smoothing the fabrics over the glue. It's not a perfect or professional system, but it works for me. I can tell my fitness isn't where it has been, I was so sore after I finished this side and then flipping it over to repeat the same process on the backside, I could hardly stand up when I finished.

Quilting in the large diamonds, diagonal rows cross hashing against each other.

Binding cut sewn together and pressed.

Binding sewn to the raw outer edge of the quilt border.

Hand sewing time!

Mitered corner


I call this my Cancer quilt since it's seen me through my cancer journey.

I've now completed 5 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilts. I finished this one just on time. The first cutting/sewing clue for this years Mystery Quilt "Rhododendron trail" is this Friday.
My Mystery Quilt refrigerator magnet collection.

*edit update April 2023
This quilt was gifted to our son Joshua.