Monday, February 14, 2011

treadmill vs outdoor running or how to be mentally tough and my inspirations

     My long run this week was a 10 miler. We (my husband and I) parked one car in downtown Bellingham and we drove the other to the Clayton beach trail access parking lot (aka the Chuckanut mtn. trail lot). It was a chilly day. With just enough chill and moisture in the air to feel cold. I wore my lightweight running jacket the whole run. The interurban trail is a wide, scenic, peaceful trail to run on. We connected it to the Taylor docks/Boulevard park to Market depot trail and on to our parked car for our total miles.

You can find info. on this trail by clicking here

     I do all of my weekday running on a treadmill. I had decided that since the events I enter are on pavement that I should do my weekend long run outside, so I can get used to running on a harder surface.  I have been having some pretty good aching the night of our long outdoor runs. So much so that I dread our long runs because I know that the night time will be pretty bad. The next morning I seem to be fine, so I know it's not a fitness issue but a hard surface pounding issue. I am going to start adding 2 outdoor runs to my weekly routine, to see if this will help the aching after my long runs. As I've gotten older I've noticed that this is becoming more of an issue with me.
*edit note - I recently found a good article on running outdoors vs treadmill running. Here's the link I need to learn how to be mentally tougher and just suck it up, since my aching doesn't linger on for days afterwards, and accept that this is just part of the experience of my long run day. I have noticed that others seem to do their adventures/exercise etc. without a lot of vocalizing about their bodies pain levels. I love to read about adventurers and explorers who go to extreme areas where their bodies and minds are tested beyond anything I have ever experienced. I often wonder where do they get this inner strength to get through. They seem to take it on as just a part of the process of what it takes to get to where they want to be. I really admire that quality in people.
     I've been told that when your body hurts that it's great, it means that you are alive. What a great concept. I'm hoping my training plan will help with the after aches on my long outside run days. I will also be training my inner voice to say "wow, that was great - I feel like I accomplished something today" instead of "I don't want to do that again, that hurt too much".

All in all I am just very thankful that I can do everything that I do.

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