Friday, December 18, 2020

Mon Oeuvre - Grassy Creek Mystery Quilt progress 3

 "Oeuvre" (the works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively: "the complete oeuvre of Mozart" a work of art, music, or literature: "an early oeuvre" ORIGIN late 19th cent.: French, literally ‘work.’ - Oxford Dictionary.)

I made a sample of this week's Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt clue three to see how it would go. 

This clue used the red, orange and neutral fabrics. I enjoyed playing with placements of the units as I finished them.

After cutting all of the strips it was time to assembly line the project.

Going great until....oh, oh. Sewed one on the wrong side, thankfully I only did that once!

I was holding my breath that I'd get through with units before I ran out of thread in my bobbin, it was running low. Hurray, I won the "thread chicken" game. Not much was left at the end.

Clue three complete, and looking festive for the holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. you are really color coordinated this year, accessories and all ;) Looking wonderful. I'm not doing the mystery this year, the first times since 2011. But all the things I've learned and refined continue on...


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