Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Garden Goodness - Onion Tart

We are having a bumper crop of Onions this year! We plant them every year but they don't usually get very big, but I'm thinking that they are flourishing this year because of all the 80+ temperatures we've had this summer. Whatever the reason, I'm thrilled because we now have enough to try a recipe I've not made before - Onion Tart. I scoured the internet for recipes, and finally settled on this one I saw in a blog. Here's the link for it:

My didn't turn out as pretty as the one pictured in the blog, but my oh my was it ever delicious!

P.S. We even have ripe tomatoes already, 
unheard of at our house to be ripe by mid August. Yippee!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Scott Paul Trailblazer hike

Today 18 Senior Trailblazers headed to Scott Paul trail, and what a gorgeous day it was!
We hiked through the trees for the first few miles, enjoying the old growth forest.

As soon as we got to a clearing we stopped for a snack to enjoy the views -

Then we split into two groups. One group would continue on and hike the entire loop and the other group would hike a bit farther and then return from the way we'd come up.
I was with the group that was going to complete the loop.

nice view just after lunch
hiking beneath the glacial moraine
just a bit of snow left on the trail
looking towards the railroad grade
Me, with Mt. Baker!
Narrow trail before heading down

fun small suspension bridge
our exciting stream crossing

Walking through Schrieber's meadows to end the hike. My husband joined us on this hike and I have to say a big thanks to him for helping us with our stream crossings. 

My Hero :-)
Endomondo stats:
8.73 total miles hiked
3314 Min. altitude
5256 Max. altitude
9207 Total ascent
9241 Total descent