Saturday, April 14, 2018

Picture of the week ~ Seattle Super Spartan Race 2018

Seattle Super in Monroe, Washington today. 
Spartan never fails. 
29 obstacles (I count the start wall)/9 miles, by my Garmin - it records while I do burpees/obstacles. 
The course was said to be 8.2 miles without the (obstacles).
Total MUDFEST!!!! 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Mon Oeuvre ~ Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt progress: Block #2 Aimee

Did you feel that earthquake!!!! 
That was me jumping up and down when I realized I understood how to do it.
I completed a block using FPP (foundation paper piecing). I finally found a youtube tutorial that I could understand. My first paper pieced block ever! It measures a bit on the small size, I may need to add a thin border later to make it fit in the quilt.
Introducing "Aimee":
completely paper pieced and sewn on my 1930's hand crank Singer Sewing machine.

There was an alternative way to piece it using a template, but I was determined to FPP it, so I dove in and learned how to paper piece. As the saying goes - "suck it up, buttercup" i.e. quit whining and get it done! I did and am very pleased with my first FPP block.

You can see block #1 and the introduction to my project here.