Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ebey trail to Rhododendron park

We left our house this morning to a heavy rain and descended to Skagit Valley to a blue sky and a sunny day. Our destination was the Ebey trail system on. The parking lot is off Engle rd. just to the north of the Coupeville ferry landing.

Thought I'd take you on a walking tour with us, soooo lots of photos! The trail starts on a single track trail into the forest.

I spied a bird egg, I'm not sure what kind of bird this is from.

The trail then follows open fields and goes along property lines.

Swallow nesting bird houses are here and there along the path.

We crossed a short bridge that led to a tunnel like trail.

Turning a corner, we found a narrow corridor between a cow pasture and a Hazelnut and Swallows orchard.

Our left turn brought us to the lower end of the cow pasture and another tunnel like corridor between two properties.

An open field and then another tunnel walk.

After walking along another field we found ourselves heading towards a road crossing.

Walking downhill to the paved road crossing.

Down a few steps and we were walking along a path that parallels the paved road.

The path turns up a private driveway to the forest ahead.

This forest trail was magical, lined with small white flowers in knee high bushes that went the whole way through this section. Soo magical!

After coming out of this forest we came into the Rhododendron park trail system. 

We came at just the right time. All of the Rhododendrons were in bloom. I took way too many pictures, but those are for me to enjoy, you get to enjoy these few😉

My husband spied some Coral Root in a sunny spot surrounded by a shady forest.

We stopped at the ball fields for lunch.

Then time to walk back through the park. We left by a different trail, so we made a loop of the Rhododendron park area. Scoutina enjoying the blooms. There's a back story to this photo, you'll have to ask to hear what it is.

Such a beautiful garden of blooms along the trail.

Then it was up through the property corridors and back to our car.

Have you ever felt like you were supposed to be at a place on a specific day and for a specific reason? That's how today was for me. The air, the scents, the flowers, the forests, the trails. What a gift today was for me.
Since we did a loop of the park instead of an out and back, we got a bit more mileage in than the map states. Our distance today was 9 miles with 400 feet ascent.
I would highly recommend this hike in mid May at peak Rhododendron bloom.
As I said before today was a gift, a gift of nature to my heart. 
I hope you enjoyed your walk along with me.

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