Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wonderland trail: Day 4 of 12

August 24, day 4
Dick creek to Mowich lake.
Today's hike began with a rope climb down to the log crossing.

We hiked along the Carbon glacier.

We stopped for a bit by the Carbon river suspension bridge. We wouldn't be going across it on this trip. We did it in July when we hiked the Mother mountain loop, you can see the bridge & watch a video of my husband crossing it in this POST.

As we headed down to the Carbon river crossing we enjoyed the Huckleberries/Blueberries/plants/heart rocks and bridges along the trail.

A new bridge was built since we were here in July.

A familiar crossing.

Much drier this time, in July I waded in nearly knee deep water.

Time to head up to Mowich lake.

More heart rocks on the trail.

A rest break before heading up Ipsut pass. We've never hiked up it. Each time we've been here we've hiked down from the pass.

Looking down to where we'd come from.

As we neared the top of the pass, my legs began cramping. Thankfully my husband got out our trusty mustard bottle and I took some swallows all the rest of the way to Mowich lake. My legs were not happy. I'd rather go down Ipsut pass, uphill was tough.

Mowich lake.

The mighty "leg cramping" hiker made it to our night's destination.

Relive video of our route:

Garmin stats:
total miles hiked - 11.21
total ascent - 2900 feet
total desecnt - 2674 feet

Day 5 to be continued

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Wonderland trail: Day 3 of 12

August 23, day 3
Mystic lake to Dick creek.
While we were packing away our things, I heard what I thought was someone singing or doing vocal drills. My husband who had played the trumpet said "no, that's a horn". Well, we eventually found out that it was a fellow camper doing drills on her French horn mouthpiece. She is a professional French Horn player and carries a mouth piece with her to keep her mouth in shape. She was doing her trip in a different fashion than us. She was celebrating her 50th birthday by going around the mountain. Different friends would come in and out at the various trail sections and join her for a few days. What a great idea!

Mystic lake

A view of the mountain as we made our way out of Mystic lake.

A view of the meadow below.

My husband looks like he's posing, but he's actually visiting with some fellow hikers about their journey.

Walking through the meadow.

Mount Rainier with just a bit of smoke haze.

Marmot country.

A marmot enjoying his rock perch.

A foggy lunch break.

Looking down the Carbon Glacier from Dick creek. Clouds had begun to come up the valley while we were camped here.

A welcome short day on the trail.

Relive video of our route:

Garmin stats:
total miles hiked - 4.27
total ascent - 712
total descent - 2152

Day 4 to be continued