Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cedar lake fishing hike

The weather was so nice this morning I feel an urgency to get out and enjoy it. The gray gloom will be here soon enough. I want to enjoy the good weather when we can. I asked my husband if he felt like hiking up to Cedar lake with his fishing pole. I thought I'd bring a book and enjoy reading while he fished. Sounded like a good idea to me. He said yes, so we packed up and headed for the trailhead.

Such a beautiful forest walk today with many mushrooms along the trail.

We found our way to Cedar lake.

His plan was to work his way around the lake. The first spot to fish was where we stopped for lunch and where I stayed and read while he worked his way around.

My perch for the day, I couldn't have found a better reading room.

My constant companion while my husband was away. No, I didn't feed it. I don't believe in feeding any animals in the wild. He was persistent so I believe he's been fed before - too bad.

The book I read was "I promise not to suffer" by Gail D. Storey, I'm only a few chapters into it but I'm enjoying it.

I had over an hour to myself to enjoy the lake, my book and my little chipmunk buddy. I tried to have a conversation with him, but he just stared at me like he didn't understand my words. After he decided his begging wasn't doing any good he retired to this stump to enjoy the lake view with me.

My husband made his way back to where I was and hadn't caught anything but had some really good bites, so we packed up and I walked around the lake with him so he could give it one more try before we left.

Yay, he caught one - a Cutthroat trout.

Off to another fishing spot,

Another strike and another catch!

Cutthroat trout again.

I told him I was his good luck charm, since he caught them when I walked around the lake with him. He agreed!

A nice view and reflection looking across the lake to where I'd sat earlier.

Very red little mushrooms.

I thought this old torn branch area of this tree looked like a head with moss hair. "The old man of the forest"!

My husband always like to tidy up the trails when he can. There was a log across the trail as we made our way up, so when we came back down he found a branch to use as leverage to move the log to the side of the trail.

Well done!

Fish for dinner!

What a nice day in the woods, just what I had hoped for.

Garmin stats:
5.7 miles
1473 feet ascent
1499 feet descent

1 comment:

  1. Awesome narrative and pictures . I enjoyed as if i were there. Thanks 4 share.


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