Monday, August 21, 2017

Mon Oeuvre - Dogs in Sweaters quilt progress: Completed!

"Oeuvre" (the works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively: "the complete oeuvre of Mozart" a work of art, music, or literature: "an early oeuvre" ORIGIN late 19th cent.: French, literally ‘work.’ - Oxford Dictionary.)

Last week I had finished my quilt sandwich
This week was very productive. I learned a new skill. I haven't done any free motion sewing with my Pfaff yet, so I decided this quilt would be my first experiment. I did practice a few on scraps first. 
Dog bones!

I cut the binding.

I sewed all of the strips together, folded it in half, then ironed it.

I sewed the binding to the quilt sandwich.

There, now the quilt sandwich has all of the binding machine sewed to the edges. Then I trimmed the batting to 1/4 away from the binding edge.

Time to hand sew. The corners are mitered. I also am getting better at hiding my stitches, when I hand sew. This is the best hand sewing I've done on a quilt yet.

I got up this morning and took my completed quilt picture before the eclipse, just as the sun was rising.

Here's another look.

What a fun project. The directions were easy to follow. Now I think that if I do another one, I would make all of the blocks much smaller and have more little weenie dog blocks on the lap size quilt.

Progress links for this quilt: