Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Mon Oeuvre - Indigo Way Mystery Quilt

"Oeuvre" (the works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively: "the complete Oeuvre of Mozart" a work of art, music or literature.: "an early Oeuvre" ORIGIN late 19th century.: FRENCH literally 'work'  - Oxford dictionary.)

It's Mystery Quilt season again! I skipped last year but I'm jumping in again this year.  
Mystery Quilts I've completed:
I always buy the refrigerator magnet when I complete one.

This winter's Mystery Quilt by Bonnie Hunter is named "Indigo Way".

The Quilt name and it's colors were inspired by her trip to Viet Nam. She was intrigued by the Red Dao women of the Sapa Mountain region. I found these stock photos showing them with their red hats and indigo colored clothing. These women are known for how dark they dye their fabrics with the Indigo color.

This years quilt colors represent the clothes worn by the women: 
Red for the large red hats
Blue for the Indigo color of their dye
My fabrics choices following the recommendations given in her "Introductory" blog post.

Paint chip recommendations:

The first clue will be the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Pre-washing and pressing until then.....